Thursday 12 April 2018

Tips for Jewelry Repair

Getting jewelry is a special occasion. When you first receive it, it can be the most valuable thing you own and even hold sentimental value. But if you wear your jewelry every day, it’s expected to get some wear and tear. The nature of jewelry you own will determine the type of care and maintenance needed. Over time, all jewelry will need to be serviced. If you’re looking for jewelry repair in Albuquerque, trust ABQ Gold & Silver to examine and repair your jewelry properly.

Follow these tips for jewelry repair that may help you keep your significant pieces longer.
  • Jewelry must be serviced by a professional jeweler. 
  • The condition of your jewelry should be carefully inspected and communicated before any repairs are started. Doing this will protect both you and the jeweler.
  • Jewelry and gems should be stored in a safe place to help increase its life. Airtight containers are useful to prevent oxidation of silver.
  • Avoid harsh chemicals and swimming pools when wearing your jewelry. Chemicals can discolour metals and gems destroying the integrity of the jewelry.
  • Precious metals like silver, gold, and platinum can be polished with a cloth to bring back its shimmer.
 Jewelry Repair at ABQ Gold & Silver
ABQ Gold & Silver is Albuquerque’s preferred business for jewelry repair Albuquerque. Our team of experts take the time to inspect the condition of your jewelry and set the right expectations with our customers. Our job is dedicated towards taking the time to properly repair our clients jewelry. We are a reputable repairer of jewelry and look for potential problems to keep your jewelry lasting. We are the jewelry repair professionals and customers come to ABQ Gold & Silver for best-class repairs and guidance.

Contact Us Today!
Stop in anytime and we will check the condition of your jewelry and give you a free cleaning.